Isomark uses is a 100% green technology in it’s all in one pipeline. Totally free on any reagents. Our fully automated technology allows you, your team, and your stakeholders to have peace of mind by screening animals’ health in real time.
By collecting animal breath directly, you can make real time, data-driven treatment decisions with confidence. Our process takes less than 30 seconds and displays results with a user-friendly red light (sick) vs green light (healthy) indicator. Your reports are then stored in a personalized health database where you can monitor your animals’ wellbeing over time.
With the push of a button, our state-of-the-art Canary-AG™ device provides color-coded read outs that let you know if your animals are at risk of developing bacterial or viral infections. We let you know which animals to monitor, and you decide on when to treat and when to track. Isomark increases your productivity and profitability, protects your herd, and saves on costly medications and treatments.
1 in 10 of all cattle are already afflicted by bacterial and viral infections before they reach you. We catch these health status changes as early as 48 hours before any visible symptoms even appear.
Early detection can result in up to 50% savings from reduced morbidity, mortality, and medical costs.
Isomark’s Canary-AG™ device is the fastest screening test on the market. In only 30 seconds the Canary-AG™ can identify which animals are at a high risk of developing bacterial or viral infections. We can identify these animals up to 2 days before any visible symptoms would indicate something was wrong.
Isomark’s data-driven technology empowers you and your team to focus your time, money, and energy effectively. In knowing which animals to prioritize you’ll improve your animals’ recovery period production, as well as reduce disease transmission and care and medical costs.
Canary-AG™ helps you and your veterinarian team to make data-driven decisions when prescribing effective treatments. This will lower the potential medical care costs and prophylactic use of antimicrobial drugs such as antibiotics. In deciding between treatment and tracking you’ll maximize performance and profitability.